Tuesday 10 April 2007

Hello Y'all

So, my first post.

Well, I don't really have anything interesting to say.

You can check out my old blog at Blognow. They are having problems at the moment and it takes forever (you have no idea) to post anything so I decided to start a new blog here.

Hopefully I won't get lost in the swarm and I might actually have something interesting to say sometime.

If Blognow get their act together, I guess I'll go back to posting there, or maybe you guys will show me a warm welcome and give me a reason to keep posting here.

If you check out my old blog, you'll see that I have a regular feature "Today's Hottie" where I post a Hot guy each and every day!

Yep, I'm Gay, so if you have something against that, this probably isn't the place for you. Thanks for stopping by anyway.

Well, I guess I'd better get to it then!

Bye for now!


Unknown said...

Hey Chris - Gorgeous Hottie! I have no idea where you keep finding them but I'm glad you do! This one makes jeans look sinful.
Nice new digs you've got here.

Christopher said...

Thanks for Dropping by Rinny! Glad you like the place, you are welcome anytime!

jenni said...
