Monday 23 April 2007

50 (not so) interesting things about me...

  1. My middle name is William
  2. I'm left handed
  3. I have a tattoo
  4. I can't swim
  5. I can't drive
  6. I am short-sighted
  7. I don't eat seafood
  8. I've had a short story published
  9. I've never had a boyfriend
  10. I have a crush on Patrick Stewart
  11. I love to draw
  12. I suffer from "social phobia" (yes, that is a real condition)
  13. I have a cracked disc in my lower back
  14. I'm uncircumcised (bet you all wanted to know that!)
  15. I think the world would be a better place without religion
  16. I have a Star Trek DVD collection
  17. My Hotmail addy comes from a H.P. Lovecraft story
  18. I eat too much chocolate
  19. I still live in the town I was born in
  20. I was born on the 8th of March, 1983 (8.3.83)
  21. I spend too much time on the Computer
  22. I spend too much time watching TV
  23. I think Dr. Zoidberg is underrated
  24. I think Halo is overrated
  25. I fell in love with my best friend from High School but didn't realise it until after I left
  26. I left High School in Year 11
  27. I think I would make a halfway decent actor
  28. I love to make people laugh
  29. I don't like myself very much
  30. I nearly cut my thumb off one time trying to cut an ice cube (yeah, you read that right)
  31. I spend too much on things I don't need
  32. I have names picked out for when I (hopefully, one day) have children
  33. I don't drink coffee
  34. I spend too much time downloading porn
  35. I think Sean Cody is a genius
  36. I don't know why I started a blog in the first place
  37. I'm "out" to most of my family
  38. I'm not "out" to my Dad
  39. I wanted to be a fashion designer at one point
  40. I wanted to be a writer at one point
  41. I wanted to be an animator at one point
  42. My favourite Simpsons character is Mr. Burns
  43. I have a 5 Season Live-Action Star Wars TV Series planned out in my head
  44. My favourite Video Game is "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion"
  45. I'm not very good at making friends
  46. I wear size 9 shoes
  47. I'm not a very good speller
  48. I need to exercise more
  49. I hate talking on the phone (to anyone)
  50. I have Hazel eyes

Yeah, most people do 100, but I'm just not that interesting...


Superchilled said...

I'm prepared for the next 50. The first lot weren't so boring! What work do you do now? What keeps you from having a boyfriend and what would make you feel better about yourself?

Christopher said...

Ok, I guess I'll have to work on the next 50 for you Trevor!

Kevin said...

Ok, so I don't know if you'll get this, but YOU ARE AMAZING!
Stop the self-loathing! All I know of you is this (awesome) blog & that 50-list & I've almost fallen in love with pipe down and just be amazing instead