Sunday 10 June 2007

Oops, I did it again, well, for the first time anyway...

I did a Britney today and shaved my head.

I was just getting sick of looking at my hair (sounds kinda stupid but it was really pissing me off for some reason).

It looks weird but I still look like me, gonna take a bit of getting used to...

My Mother said I looked like I'd just come out of a concentration camp... isn't she wonderful, lol, gotta love her...


Unknown said...

Ah well, anyone in the world could shave their head and still stagger blindly into a new day looking better than Britney, the poor lass. I bought one of my favourite tabloids this morning to find that she now has quite scary hair extensions. The Hair Gods have not been kind to Brit.
You shall have to invest in few beannies though, as apparently the majority of ones body heat escapes sneakily via ones head. Brrr.

Christopher said...

Yeah, had to wear a beannie today when I went to see Shrek the Third, my poor head was freezing!!!